48 hours of constant snow, and we were still very fortunate that we didn't end up with more snow than we did. We were also fortunate it was mostly a weekend event, so we didn't have to contend with commuting to and from work. In fact, the prediction from one meteorologist, "the snow will arrive as a wall of snow". Sure enough, she was correct! Below are images from my office in Medford, which is one of the towns just north of Boston.

Its been rumored that once upon in time in Medford, the mafia buried a guy in a snowbank and wasn't discovered until the spring thaw. Having read this before we moved to New England, I thought the story was rather implausible. After living here more than 8 years now, I can see how this could happen. We average 56" of snow each winter and we have 3 feet to go! That, coupled with the fact that I'm 99% certain there's still a handful mobsters in Medford, what will we find in our parking lot come springtime?
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