It's really no surprise that Autumn in New England ranges from gorgeous,at the very least, to absolutely stunning. "Foliage Season" is always tricky and unpredictable. Last year the season was endless, starting in late August and lasting well into early November. This year, the season sputtered and stalled, but eventually came through. Still, we come across pockets of color that completely take your breath away as you round a corner or look into a field of brilliant gold.
Overall what we found most surprising is that it's not so much a season, as an event that lasts for weeks and weeks. Small communities all across the region hold fairs and festivals, most, if not all based on agriculture. These fairs have been an annual event in many towns for more than 150 years. I was rather naive and believed that only folks in the south raise vegetables (the above photo shows our attempt at growing corn!) and have cattle ranches, so it was a great delight to discover that New England is mostly rural. While the ocean is what drew us up here, its actually the stunning beauty that keeps us up here - for now anyway!
Unfortunately we had a computer crash a couple of months back, and I lost all images from previous seasons, so I hope you enjoy these from the Sandwich Fair in Sandwich, New Hampshire. I hope to post more at a later date - if I can find them that is!